Paddletown Picnic

While planning for the church’s 150th anniversary, many people asked about the Paddletown Picnic, even though it hasn’t been held for nearly fifty years. We decided that since the Paddletown Picnic was such a fond memory for many in the community, it would be a great event to hold while celebrating Paddletown Church’s 150 years of service.

food stands
The following items will be available for purchase at the pavillion:
– Chicken corn soup
– Hamburg barbeque
– Hotdogs
– Chips
– Pie slices
– Lemonade
– Water
– Soda
food sts
food stands
Ice-cold watermelon will be available by the slice.
food stands
Ice cream
Ice cream cups with a wooden spoon.
A variety of new and old favorites.
Free community concerts
The Paddletown Picnic always had music, and today will be no different. While there is no longer a Paddletown Sunday School Band and many of the large community bands are no longer in existence, we have found some great musicians to join us!
New Cumberland Town Band
This town band has been providing free concerts to the community since 1946!
Penny Lane
Penny Lane is a Beatles tribute band that plays a lot of your favorite classics.
Paddletown Picnic
Saturday, August 19, 2023
2:00 – 7:00 pm